High On That New Autograf!

Autograf has been a staple name in Chicago as well as the rest of the edm community for years. They have been releasing originals and remixes as early as 2013, becoming an instant sensation! Not by random chance either, as they have been building a strong foundation in the industry in Chicago as bass acts originally. Autograf has since given us gems like Metaphysical, Future Soup, Simple, Sleepless in NYC, Dead Soon, Move All Night, Aint Deep Enough, Easy & More!

I’m lookin’ in your eyes,
I think I might just have to,
Let you change my mind.

– Tiina

Autograf is making their rounds again with a new release, having had a busy year already dropping a handful of singles following their debut LP in 2020. High On That New Love savors that last bit of energy the summer season had to offer us. Featuring Tiina on vocals, this will be her second feature with Autograf this year! She details a hopeful feeling of a new love singing, “Swore I won’t do it no more. So tell me why I get this feeling? And every move you make it makes it stronger. It’s like I’m dancing in the ceiling…” The beat is an energetic house track with alot of bounce, upbeat energy, and the right amount of bass. Autograf and Tiina have certainly found a complimentary pairing with eachother! 

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