Scoochie Boochie Fourth Album Release

With a sense of humor and a unique lyricism that would make Weird Al Yankovic blush, Scoochie Boochie delivers entertaining music deserving of laughs and applause. In an industry and genre saturated with big ego, this talented Chicago hip hop artist supplies a much needed comic relief for his audiences. They say you if you cannot have a laugh at your expense then you are not living life to the fullest, and Scoochie Boochie sits on the throne of ease. But make no mistake, he takes his craft just as serious as anyone else. This is truly a one of a kind comic serving masterpieces with witty lyrics.

Scoochie Boochie Media

Scoochie Boochie is quite animated with his imagination, his mind truly runs wild and free when it comes to his lyricism. He conceptualizes his work like a show or a movie. Just as his last LP Lost City Of Atlantits, where he portrays himself as a sailor and a discoverer of bossoms, with very high esteem and charisma, his new project takes on a whole new character and story arc. With production features by Groovebox, Keith Classiq, and Stoic and mix and mastering by RhymSter at Ever Evolved Studio, you get to hear this story in great quality on some dope beats.

Scoochie Boochie’s 4th album goes by the name of Sunrise At Dawn In Space. If the title does not blow your mind yet, the story line will. Scoochie Boochie basically personifies the solar system and the universe in a romantic setting. Scoochie Boochie is born of a volcano, his magmom if you will, and is now the greatest rapper in the world, and perhaps the whole galaxy. He sets is eyes on the sun, and seeks romance with the giant ball of fire. To give you more clarity, the leading single of this LP is dubbed, I Wanna Fuh The Sun. All of this unrecommended for the regular human being without proper protection.

Sunrise At Dawn In Space is an epic 18 track LP filled with funny tunes outlining fantasy romance in space with the sun, as a volcano child being pursued by the best damn pilot in the galaxy, Dax Pulsar. In between songs you get narration and skits by talented improvisers Lawrence Collerd, Oliver Hobson, and Devin Bockrath. If you are not already familiar with Scoochie Boochies witty lyrics the lead single, I Wanna Fuh The Sun, is a perfect introduction. “Out here certified milf, you don’t look a day over 35 mill“, he flirtatious raps about the sun. He continues, “what’s youre constillation the cougar? Let me holler at you like a rooster!

A personal favorite is I Fart When I Fuh, because you would think you heard all the fart jokes, but you have not heard Scoochie Boochie’s fresh jokes, fresh as a fart can be. “Bitch I fart when I fuh, fart so hard there were sparks from my butt. I let that one charge for a month…” The best lines being, “baby we should harness the gust, the larger it was, the harder the thrust.” The Sun flares all the time so it should not be too embarrasing. As you can see and hear, the wit ranges between innocent puns to raunchy as you can get, however each tune is as comical as it is a masterpiece. No doubt Scoochie Boochie is in his own lane when it comes to this craft, you cannot hear anything similar for lightyears. Not surprising coming from the best rapper in the galaxy.

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