StankNasty Video Release For ‘My Own Lane’

“Winners Focus On Winning”

– StankNasty

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StankNasty has been in the game for quite some time, with his first singles released around 2018. Althought still a young career, he carries himself like a veteran. Observing Chicago’s hip hop environment and moving accordingly. Not letting any outside influences negatively affect his strategy and composure, while building strong networks and relationships with his peers. StankNasty is very open minded yet reserved with his approach to his music, as he lays the foundations for his future.

That being said, his latest release is perfectly titled to match his attitude and mentality. Thawing out from Chicago’s winter, and ready for early spring in March of 2022, StankNasty releases his single, titled My Own Lane, with the help of Soundation Studio’s, Gerald ‘The Genius’ Leibnitz. Putting himself back on the map for the year, he lets the beat simmer until the middle of summer, where he follows up with his release, and gives it some fresh visuals. Always meticulous with his music, with the when and how, he treats each of his tracks like it is his next hit, and they do hit. StanksNasty makes sure every detail is well thought out and on point, ensuring a memorable release for his fans. Just as it was with his EPIC EP release of last year, preluding with a video promo for the 3 track project, he one ups himself yet again with his 2nd music video.

As if his methodical approach to his music, and his attitude to his and his peers position in Chicago’s hip hop scene, does not already paint a picture of him as a master of his own domain, the music video certainly does the job. StankNasty is in competition with no one but himself, and he shows and tells you in My Own Lane. Produced by Esol Media, the video takes place in his actual real life home, with his one true & real life companion by his side, Chicago model & actress Anays Venegas, creating quite a sensual and racy visual for the video, outlining metaphorically & visually what his focus is on. Featuring MVNDO on backing vocals, StankNasty goes on to rap, “When someone wants to pick my F****n’ verses apart, remember pieces of me live in these bars, keeping in real with myself, as I keep it real with ya’ll.” His genuine bravado does not try to imitate something he is not, he represents himself totally, making this video truly inspiration!

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